Jerskin Fendrix : Poor Things LP
NT$ 1,580.00
★ 榮獲金球獎、奧斯卡金像獎原創配樂提名
★ 電影《單身動物園》、《聖鹿之死》海報設計師 Vasilis Marmatakis 負責唱片封套設計
★ 180 克重量盤 Bluie & Pink Swirl 彩膠
★ 美國電影配樂獨立廠牌 Waxwork Records 發行
1. Bella
2. “Wee”
3. Bella and Max
4. “Mother of God”
5. Victoria
6. Reanimation
7. Bella and Duncan
8. “I Just Hope She’s Alright”
9. Lisbon
10. Quarto [Soundtrack Version]
11. Portuguese Dance I
12. Portuguese Dance II
13. “Goodbye Later Dove”
14. Duncan and Martha
15. Alexandria
16. Paris
17. Bella / Les Yeux Bleus / Estore’s Song
18. London
19. Alfie
20. Alfie and Victoria
21. Bella
22. “Poor Things” Finale and End Credits