Quasimoto - Yessir Whatever w/ Silver Peel-Off Sticker LP
NT$ 1,680
另外一尊很難請的就是 Madlib 的另一個化身Quasimoto,於2013 年由 Stones Throw Records 發行的合輯 Yessir Whatever,2025 年版的 Lord Quas 跟香蕉一樣是可以撕開的銀色彩膠,撕開之後是內部構造,首批一樣很快會完售。
A1 Broad Factor
A2 Seasons Change
A3 The Front
A4 Youngblood
A5 Astronaut
A6 Planned Attack
B1 Brothers Can't See Me
B2 Catchin' The Vibe
B3 Am I Confused?
B4 Sparkdala
B5 Green Power
B6 Lax To Jfk