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Chet Baker & Philip Catherine - There'll Never Be Another You LP

NT$ 1,280.00

★ 收錄〈Beatrice〉、〈There’ll Never Be Another You〉、〈Leaving〉與〈My Foolish Heart〉等四首招牌曲目
★ 荷蘭爵士樂廠牌 Timeless Records 名作復活
★ 查特.貝克與長期合作夥伴吉他手菲利普.凱薩林,兩人於 1985 年在克羅埃西亞首都札格勒布的現場錄音
1985 年發表以來,首度黑膠化
★ 歐陸黑膠唱片廠牌 Music On Vinyl 發行,高品質 180g 壓片
Guitar – Philip Catherine
Trumpet, Vocals, Piano – Chet Baker
Side A
1. Beatrice
2. There’ll Never Be Another You
Side B
1. Leaving
2. My Foolish Heart